Fujitsu mini-splits can provide extra 265 (450) 265 (450) cooling or heating capacity for those hard to cool areas. Page 18: Optional Accessories SINGLE ZONE MINI-SPLITS Wall Mounted High-SEER 9, 12 and 15,000 BTU Systems SYSTEMS 9RLS2, 12RLS2, 15RLS2 Federal Tax Credit Qualified See Page 9 for details Systems 9RLS2 and 12RLS2 only. Increased number of ducts. High Static - Three Phase. Higher energy efficiency. Use our 'Economatch' guide to help find the most energy efficient Fujitsu Air. Technical Specifications Enter your serial, configuration, or model number above to view the detailed technical information for any Fujitsu notebook or pen tablet computer. Elfroggio wrote: Egil Stroemme wrote: Is there by any chance a way to determin production date via the serial number on my X-T2? At the bottom of your Fujifilm camera (X-PRO2, X-PRO1, X-T1, X-T10, X-T2, and X-T20) usually on the battery compartment, there’s the serial number printed on the label attached to the bottom of the camera.
- Fujitsu Serial Number Age
- Fujitsu Serial Number Age
- Fujitsu Serial Number Configuration
- Fujitsu Serial Number Checker
Fujitsu Serial Number Age
Does a similar site exist for the US / Canada? Should this URL above work for all Fujitsu laptops worldwide? Is there another site that will allow us to look up all of our Fujitsu warranty date?Fujitsu Serial Number Age
Fujitsu Serial Number Configuration
Fujitsu Serial Number Checker
Please also note that the scope of the available warranty services as well as the indicated reaction times (if applicable) in the destination country or region may differ from the scope valid where the product was first sold. Therefore it is always necessary to check local product related service capacities and/or non-availability of warranty services in the respective country by calling the local Service Desk or service contact before claiming warranty services in any of these countries. Information on the processing of personal data by FUJITSU as the responsible in the course of contract performance and handling as well as the information required under Articles 13 and 14 GDPR is available in the imprint under